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Our Services

Consulting & Advisory

With decades of executive-level accountability and transformation experience in data, analytics and decision science, we are able to offer practical and actionable direction and advice based on tried and tested methodologies that bring results.


Uniquely, we focus on the factors that we know from our real-life experience make a difference to success - decision culture, operating model, organisation, skills development and end-to-end deployment - rather than just technology, algorithms or data science gobbledegook. 


Decisionbox Sales Enablement Solutions are designed to give vendors the inside track on successful selling to C-Level and Executives, particularly in the areas of Data, Analytics & Decisioning.


Our extensive personal experience in C-level roles and as executive buyers of data and analytics solutions gives us insights and understanding that you simply will not find in conventional sales courses. 


With our expert domain knowledge, we are also able to educate your teams on how to message digital, data and analytics topics to senior buyers

Public Speaking
& Education

We have presented across the world on a variety of topics associated with Digital, Decisioning & Analytics. 


Importantly, we explain how you use these capabilities to improve business performance; customer acquisition, retention, cross-selling, up-selling, opex reduction, targeted advertising - even on-screen optimisation and TV content rights valuation.


We also provide lectures for educational establishments on topics such as Digital and Analytics as well as more general Management and Career Development.

Practitioner Upskilling

Our Practitioner Solutions are designed to enable organisations to efficiently consume and deploy our extensive expertise and experience.


We can deliver knowledge transfer and up-skilling to you and your teams that help you deliver successful data and analytical transformations or business performance improvements yourself.


This avoids the pitfalls and reduces the cost of expensive third parties that might know the jargon but not the hard reality of delivering this kind of change in larger organisations.

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