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Clients and colleagues share some feedback on our work 


Sales Development & Enablement

“I have worked with Tony Mooney and Decisionbox over the last two years on various engagements. His approach is refreshing in its honesty and straightforwardness which has allowed me to develop an Exec level approach across engagements with major telecoms and media corporates. He has been a significant help with coaching and preparing for Exec level conversations and has helped broker a number of meetings. His experience means that his viewpoint is always in high demand from my clients. Tony also assisted me with a strategy document for a leading Telecoms operator which led to a £2.2 million deal as well as support for Exec discussions with a UK leading Broadcaster which has led to the account growing to £1.2 million.” 

Nick Bradbury, SAS Client Director-Telco, UK

“Your Analytical Maturity Assessment is really, really great. I like how you start with the business context and all the pressures on the industry, as it really defines why analytics maturity is important”

Jesper Bank Jorgensen

SAS Client Director, Canada

“Thanks for all of your support and input which has been invaluable in helping us shape new propositions and your insights into the wider challenges faced within our Telco clients”


Keith McGill, Equifax Sales Director, Telco, UK

“As part of their 5 Year Network & IT Transformation journey SAS will help our major mobile operator client to fulfil their vision to move all existing on-premise software implementations to the Cloud. The multibillion-pound programme is primarily aimed at helping take the lead in the race to 5G, which will offer better reliability and faster mobile internet.Tony Mooney contributed greatly to help identify and position the arguments for utilising key future propositions to the key transformation team members to reinforce the message that we were still the best data analytics partner to help achieve their digital journey”


Anu Meta, SAS UK&I Alliances Lead, UK

"I have worked directly and indirectly with Tony for well over a decade. Tony has had a huge influence on my career, as well as a number of my colleagues. He is by far the most knowledgeable customer intelligence professional I have ever worked with - unlike a lot of people in this profession, Tony truly understands the customer. 


His track record is impressive. He has transformed CRM at many of the UK's top companies, and at Sky he created a 600-strong customer intelligence team across every aspect of insight and decision management which I consider to be one of the best and innovative in the whole world.


Tony is one of, if not the best, in his profession."

Russell Woodward, Head of Insight, Sky

Creating The Intelligent Enterprise 

If you are lucky, every now and again in your life you'll come across someone like Tony. He has a passion for business problems you'd be hard pressed to beat. It’s a thrill just to watch him tune in and start working up the solution - and, believe me, he does! Brain like the Mekon, but less green and a lot more fun! 

Phil Darby, Managing Director, The Full Effect Company

Tony was the catalyst and drive responsible for defining and realising Orange business strategy in customer insight and converting that insight into operational strategies that had a direct and positive effect on the bottom-line. A formidable intellect and inspirational communicator!

Jeremy Brown, Director of Delivery at Mosaic Island, ex-Orange Director of Technology Strategy

"A consummate consulting professional with a uniquely broad and deep understanding of marketing having approached most marketing issues as a consultant or Marketing Director. Tony's track record is impressive when read in isolation but does not fully reflect the impact he has had and continues to have for his clients as an inner sanctum trusted advisor. I would recommend Tony to any CMO looking to revitalise his marketing approaches. "

Richard Tremellen, Insight and Data Specialist

Training & Development Solutions

"Before I attended Decisionbox's course on selling to the C-Suite, I was confusing message simplicity and clarity.


Tony’s session has been inspiring and I took three things away that I strive to apply day-to-day


I would recommend all employees with customer-facing roles to attend these sessions as they put you in the shoes of a CEO for a day and we are all CEOs of our own lives and careers. It changed my decision-making process and my time management habits for the best"

Sébastien Vigé, SAS Head of CI, France

" Tony's personal ability to create effective and impactful insights with clear actions for executives and his ability to teach others how to do it has changed the trajectory of a number of people’s careers.


If you want to start to create more impactful insight and be able to confidently communicate to the C-suite you should take this course.”


Nicholas McCarthy, SVP, EMEA Data Solutions, Merkle Inc

“I just wanted to emphasize again how much I enjoyed the Decisionbox training by Tony Mooney. I think it was the most valuable training I had in my entire career – hearing the view from a former top executive and having a 1:1 coaching was great and I am using many of the tips now in my daily business”

Manuel Tönz, SAS Customer Experience Consultant, Austria

“.. the course was invaluable – I am promoting it to all our UK sales teams and there is much interest.”


Tiffany Carpenter

SAS Head of Customer Intelligence Solutions Sales, UK

“I attended Tony’s Effective Insight training as an experienced professional with almost a decade of experience as an analytics practitioner. The course was a huge leap forward for me in developing my skills in commissioning, delivering and communicating insight projects and I still use many of the techniques I learned from Tony on a near-daily basis”

Daragh Kelly, VP, Data & Analytics at Burberry

Finally, a course that delivers real insight!


The key achievement of the course is in bridging the chasm between the massive cost of collecting, shaping and analysing data and the necessary return on that investment.


It achieves its goal by educating analysts and data scientists alike on how to orient their skills toward solving real world problems in a way that is laser focussed on commercial return and by nudging the C-suite toward being able to articulate their challenges in a way that is amenable to insight.


The course has enduring value because of its ability to deliver simple concepts in a coherent manner.


I use learnings from Tony's course in my own insight development and have cascaded it successfully across multi-disciplinary teams to great effect. The course helps provide clarity when objective setting in delivery; increases pace by reducing nugatory work and the need for rework and raises ambition by demonstrating to the business the gains they can be achieved.


Secondary benefits of the course include improvements to staff morale and talent development - with more of the smarts making it to the board table and as an enabler of your own insight brand - as the impact of the course are felt throughout the business.


I would highly recommend the Decisionbox course to executives looking to maximise their return on investment in data and to practitioners looking to elevate their role in making that happen.


Gavin Meggs, Executive Director, Data Analytics and BI, Virgin Media


Ed Grimsey, Director of Analytics, News UK

Public Speaking & Education

“So many thanks for your talk today, we had a seminar class with students who characterised you as amazing! They told me that you inspired them, and others said that they feel motivated after your talk. Actually, you cannot imagine how positive was their feedback!! They loved your tips!”


Dr Eleni Aravopoulou

Senior Lecturer in Business Management, St Mary's University, London


“I just talked to some of our students. They loved your session. One said she wished you were her manager. Many thanks.”


Merlin Stone, Professor of Marketing and Strategy, St Mary's University, London

“Tony’s contribution to the class on Applied Business Analytics was invaluable. From the deeply researched and well thought through perspective on the nature of leading an Analytic team at the highest level, to the humorous and candid perspective Tony brings to the realities of the application of analytics and data science in modern business, his contribution was first class. My students have now taken to referring to the ‘Mooney method’ and the ‘Mooney approach’ in their work! I highly recommend Tony and this thinking on this topic.”


Duncan Houldsworth, Adjunct Professor of Data Science & Analytics, Argyros School of Business, Chapman University, California, USA

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